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Tıpta Uzmanlık Tezi Başlığı:
The Effect of Hyperthermia to Increase Radiation Response
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TOG (Türk Onkoloji Grubu)
Radyasyon Onkolojisi DerneÄŸi
Tıbbi İlgi Alanları ve Aktiviteleri
Cyber Knife
Uluslararası hakemli dergilerde yayımlanan makaleler:19 adet
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Education & Training
GATA HaydarpaÅŸa Staj Kadıköy Ä°stanbul
10. P. Tug. Ks. AmirliÄŸi, Bölük Komutanlığı, Garnizon BaÅŸtabipliÄŸi. Tatvan Bitlis
GATA Radyasyon Onkolojisi Uzmanlık ÖÄŸrenciliÄŸi Ankara
GATA Radyasyon Onkolojisi Yardımcı doçentliÄŸi Ankara
GATA Radyasyon Onkolojisi DoçentliÄŸi Ankara
2005- 2016
Anadolu Sağlık Merkezi Gebze Kocaeli
2016- 2020
Okan Üniversitesi Hastanesi Radyasyon Onkolojisi Tuzla Ä°stanbul
2020 -
Neolife Onkoloji Merkezi levent Ä°stanbul
Research Publications
Uluslararası hakemli dergilerde yayımlanan
ULUTIN C., GUDEN M., SURENKOK S., PAK Y.: Fifteen cases of male breast carcinoma treated between 1980 and 1995. Radiation Medicine Vol: 16 No: 5 383-386 (1998).
KARAKURUMER K., METE K. OZEN T., UÇOK O., GUDEN M.: An investigation on oral findings in terminal period of oncology patients. Balk J Stom, 3, 177-179. (1999).
ULUTIN C., GUDEN M., OYSUL K., SURENKOK S., PAK Y.: Split-course radiotherapy with or without concurrent or sequential chemotherapy in non-small cell lung cancer. Radiation Medicine. Vol: 18 No: 2 93-96 (2000).
ULUTIN C., GUDEN M., DEDE M., PAK Y.: Comparison of granulocyte-colony, stimulating factor and granulocyte-macrophage-colony stimulating factor in the treatment of chemotherapy extravasation ulcers. Eur. J Gynaec. Oncol. 21(6) 613-615 (2000).
GUDEN M., ULUTIN C., GOKTAS S.: Analyses of 98 seminoma cases: A review article. International Urology and Nephrology 33: 529-531, (2001).
GUDEN M., KURT E., ULUTIN C.: Six Gray single dose radiotherapy in the treatment of metastatic bone pain. Tohoku J. Exp. Med. 197, 111-114 (2002).
GUDEN M, ULUTIN C., DEDE M., DILEK S., PAK Y.: An optimization method for reference dose point of rectum in brachytherapy of gynecological neoplasm’s. Tohoku J. Exp. Med., 197, 35-40 (2002).
GUDEN M, GOKTAS S.: ULUTIN C., SÜMER F., PAK Y.:Retrospective Analysis of 74 Causes with Seminoma Treared with Radiotherapy International Journal of Urology International Journal of Urology 10:435-438, 2003
Dede M, Yenen MC, Goktolga U, Duru NK, Guden M, Dilek S, Pabuccu R. Is adjuvant therapy necessary for peritoneal cytology-positive surgical-pathologic Stage I endometrial cancer? Preliminary results. Eur J Gynaecol Oncol. 2004;25(5):591-3.
Ural AU, Avcu F, Yilmaz MI, Guden M, Ozturk B, Ozcan A, Guran S, Bahce M, Yalcin A. Development of squamous cell carcinoma of the tongue during induction chemotherapy for acute myeloid leukemia. Tumori. 2005 Jan-Feb;91(1):81-3.
Ural AU, Avcu F, Candir M, Guden M, Ozcan MA. In vitro synergistic cytoreductive effects of zoledronic acid and radiation on breast cancer cells. Breast Cancer Res. 2006;8(4):R52.
Kulahci Y, Duman H, Zor F, Bozkurt M, Guden M, Gunhan O, Celasun B, Sengezer M. The Effect of External Beam Irradiation Timing on Skin Graft Survival. Eur Surg Res. 2010 Mar 5;44(3-4):142-151.
Güden M.; Ceylan C.; BerberoÄŸlu K.; DoÄŸan S.; Küçük N.; BaÅŸ Ayata H.; Kılıç A. & Engin K.: Contribution of PET-CT to staging, gross tumor volume definition, planning and response assessment in IMRT for nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Journal of Radiotherapy in Practice, in press; Cambiridge Unuversity Press 2010. 10 272-282(2011)
Ceylan C, Kucuk N, Bas Ayata H, Guden M, Engin K. Dosimetric and physical comparison of IMRT and CyberKnife plans in the treatment of localized prostate cancer. Rep Pract Oncol Radiother. 2010 Nov 12;15(6):181-9. doi: 10.1016/j.rpor.2010.10.003. eCollection 2010.
Ayata HB, Güden M, Ceylan C, Kücük N, Engin K.Comparison of dose distributions and organs at risk (OAR) doses in conventional tangential technique (CTT) and IMRT plans with different numbers of beam in left-sided breast cancer. Rep Pract Oncol Radiother. 2011 Apr 8;16(3):95-102. doi: 10.1016/j.rpor.2011.02.001. eCollection 2011.
Engin K., Küçük N., Dökdök M., Enünlü T., BerberoÄŸlu K., Ayata H. B., Ceylan C., Kilic A. Guden M., Robotic radiosurgery for liver metastases (2012) 4(12): e77. doi:10.7759/cureus.77
Yildiz R, Can MF, Yagci G, Ozgurtas T, Guden M, Gamsizkan M, Ozturk E, Cetiner S. The effects of hyperbaric oxygen therapy on experimental colon anastomosis after preoperative chemoradiotherapy Int Surg. 2013 Jan;98(1):33-42. doi: 10.9738/CC130.2.
AYATA H., GUDEN M., BERBEROÄžLU K., CEYLAN C., KILIC A., ENGIN K.; PET-CT and CT Alone Comparison for Target Volume Definition in Radiation Treatment in Patients with Lung Cancer International Journal of Engineering Research & Science (IJOER) ISSN: [2395-6992] [Vol-2, Issue-3 March- 2016] Page 98 -107
GUDEN M. BAS AYATA H., CEYLAN C., KILIC A., ENGIN K "Prognostic Factors Effective on Survival of Patients with Glioblastoma: Anadolu Medical Center Experience” Ä°ndian journal of cancer de kabul edildi.IJC-360-16R2
B. Uluslararası bilimsel toplantılarda sunulan ve bildiri kitabında (Proceedings) basılan bildiriler :
PAK Y., BEYZADEOGLU M., ELÇI H., GUDEN M.: Treatment of primary breast cancer without mastectomy. 29. International Congress of Military Medicine, 18-25 September. Abstract Book. P 104:98 Istanbul 1993.
BEYZADEOGLU M., PAK Y., DIBIRDIK I., ELÇI H., GUDEN M., PAK I.: Experimental evaluation of the efficiency of hiperfractionated total body ırradiation as a conditioning regimen for bone marrow transplantation. 29. International Congress of Military Medicine, 18-25 September, Abstract Book. P 113;107 Istanbul 1993.
SURENKOK S., GUDEN M., ULUTIN C., OYSUL K., PAK Y.: Megestrol acetate; for treatment of cancer patients with anorexia and weight loss. 3rd Congress of Balkan Military Medical Committee 10-13 May Abstract Book PO.189 Athens-Greece 1998.
GUDEN M., ULUTIN C., SURENKOK S., OYSUL K., PAK Y.: Can single dose 6 Gy radiotherapy in bone metastasis be effective for palliation? 3rd Congress of Balkan Military Medical Committee 10-13 May Abstract Book PO.170 Athens-Greece 1998.
ULUTIN H.C., GUDEN M., SURENKOK S., OYSUL K., PAK Y.: Mucosal malign melanoma of the head and neck: A case report. 3rd Congress of Balkan Military Medical Committee 10-13 May Abstract Book PO.171 Athens-Greece 1998.
ULUTIN H.C.,GUDEN M., SURENKOK S., OYSUL K., PAK Y.: Does Ca-125 have a prognostic value in-non small cell ca. of the lung. 3rd Congress of Balkan Military Medical Committee 10-13 May Abstract Book PO.172 Athens-Greece 1998.
ARPACI F., KOMURCU S., OZTURK B., OZET A., KINALP C., HAMZAOÄžLU O., ÅžENGUL A., GUDEN M., PAK Y., YALÇIN A.: Sufficient single-apheresis without large volume (LVC) collection by G-CSF for auto-PBSCT in heavily pretreated patients.: 24th Annual Meeting European Group For Blood and Marrow Transplantation and 14th Meeting of the Nurses Group “Bone Marrow Transplantation” 22-26 March Abstract Book 668 Courmayeur, Italy 1998.
ULUTIN H.C., GUDEN M., SURENKOK S., OYSUL K., PAK Y.: Split course radiotherapy with weekly paclitaxel in stage III non-small cell lung cancer. A preliminary report of a pilot study. 2nd Balkan Kongress Of Oncology. 10-14 September. Abstract Book P-257 Kuşadası, İzmir 1998.
AYDINTUG Y.S., OKCU K.M., YILDIZ E., SAFLI M., GUDEN M.: Lymphoepithelioma-like carcinoma of the hard palate. A case report (Sözlü Sunu) 4thCongres of the Balkan Stomatological Society 22-25 March Abstract Book OP160 Ä°stanbul 1999.
B10 ULUTIN C.H., GUDEN M., SURENKOK S., OYSUL K., PAK Y.: Treatment of extravasation ulsers with colony stimulating factor :A case report. (Sözlü Sunu). 4th Congress of Military Medical Committee. June 6-10, Abstract Book 08B1540 Bucharest Romania 1999.
KAPLAN K., USTUN C., BEYAN C., URAL A.U., AVCI F., ÇETIN T., OZTURK B., GUDEN M., ÅžENGUN A., YALÇIN A.: Increasing the target number of nucleated cells and administration of r-metHu G-CSF hasten neutrophil engraftment in allogeneic bone marrow transplantation. XXXIII International Congress on Military Medicine. 25-30 june Abstract Book 316 Helsinki Finland 2000.
ÇETIN T., OZTURK B., KAPTAN K., ULUTIN C., AVCU F., GUDEN M., KOMURCU S., URAL A.U., ARPACI F., BEYAN C., OZET A., PAK Y., YALÇIN A.: Hematopoeticstem cell transplantation activities of Gülhane Military Medicine Academy. (Sözlü Sunu) 5TH Congress of Balkan Military Medicine, 25-28 September Abstract Book O6. Ankara Türkiye 2000.
ULUTIN H.C., GUDEN M., SURENKOK S., OYSUL K., PAK Y.: An alternative aproach for eosinphlic granuloma. 5TH Congress of Balkan Military Medicine, 25-28 September Abstract Book P59. Ankara Türkiye 2000.
ULUTÄ°N H.C., DÄ°RÄ°CAN B., GUDEN M., GÜRSES A., SÜRENKÖK S., OYSUL K., PAK Y.: Radiotherapy for early stage mycosis fungoides. 5TH Congress of Balkan Military Medicine, 25-28 September Abstract Book P317 Ankara Türkiye 2000.
GUDEN M., ULUTÄ°N C:, DEDE M., DÄ°LEK S.: An optimization method for reference dose point of rectum in brachytherapy of endometrial and cervical neoplasms. ESGO12 International Meeting on Gynaecological Onkology 21-24 April Venice Italy 2001.
Arpacı F., Ozet A., Ozturk B., komurcu S., Ataergin S., kuzhan O., beyzadeoÄŸlu M., Guden m., Ulutin C., Oysul K., Åžemgül A., Pak Y. High Dose Chemotherapy And Autologous Stem Cell Transplantation Ä°n Solid Tumours And Hematological Malignancies: Results Of Single Center And Long Term Follow-Up 8TH Congress of Balkan Military Medicine, 21-24 September Abstract Book PS.II.32 Cluj Napoca Romania 2003.
Engin K., Bas H., Guden M., Kucuk N., Ceylan C., Egehan I. & Kilic A.: IMRT in patients with head and neck cancer. Radiotherapy and Oncology, 82 (supp 1); pp. 561, 2007.
Engin K., Kucuk N., Guden M., Kilic A., Bas H., Ceylan C. & Egehan I.: CyberKnife in patients with head and cancer recurrences. Radiotherapy and Oncology, 82 (supp 1); pp. 555, 2007.
C. Ceylan, M. Guden, H. Bas, K. BERBEROGLU, N. Kucuk, A. Kilic K. Engin PET/CT GUIDED IMRT FOR LOCALLY ADVANCED PANCREATIC CANCER ESTRO Anniversary GEC-ESTRO • EIOF • 11th Biennial 8-12 May, 2011 London, United Kingdom
H. Bas, C. Ceylan, A. Kilic, N. Kucuk, M. Guden, K. Engin EFFECTS OF BEAM WEIGHT POINT LOCALIZATION ON HEAD AND NECK INTENSITY MODULATED RADIOTHERAPY PLANS ESTRO Anniversary GEC-ESTRO • EIOF • 11th Biennial 8-12 May, 2011 London, United Kingdom
N. Kucuk, A. Kilic, C. Ceylan, H. Bas, M. Guden, T. Suzer, K. Engin CYBERKNIFE ROBOTIC RADIOTHERAPY FOR RECURRENT GLIOBLASTOMA MULTIFORME ESTRO Anniversary GEC-ESTRO • EIOF • 11th Biennial 8-12 May, 2011 London, United Kingdom
T. Ugur, C. Ceylan (Turkey), A. Kiliç, H,Ayata, M. Güden, K. Engin Evaluation of 3D gamma and DVH based analysis of VMAT: retrospective analyzes of head and neck cases 3 RD ESTRO Forum 24-28 April 2015 Barcelona Spain P:240
C. Ceylan (Turkey), A. Kiliç, H,Ayata, T. Ugur, M. Güden, K. Engin Dosimetric and geometric verification with the ESTRO Forum 24-28 April 2015 Barcelona Spain P:250
H, BaÅŸ Ayata, (Turkey), C. Ceylan (Turkey), A. Kiliç, T. Ugur, M. Güden, K. Engin Sensivity of various commerical QA sistems to MLC errors and correlation between gamma analysis results and DVH ESTRO Forum 24-28 April 2015 Barcelona Spain P:257